teen ternity leave

پیشنهاد کاربران

a period of time when someone chooses not to have a job because they want to spend more time with their teenage children
"Teen - ternity leave" is a term used to describe a career break that parents, usually mothers, take to be more present in looking after their teenage children.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

دوره زمانی که شخصی تصمیم می گیرد شغلی نداشته باشد زیرا می خواهد زمان بیشتری را با فرزندان نوجوان خود بگذراند
مرخصی وقت گذراندن با نوجوانان
اصطلاحی است که برای توصیف مرخصی شغلی استفاده می شود که والدین، معمولاً مادران، بیشتر در مراقبت از فرزندان نوجوان خود حضور دارند.
After her daughter's mental health crisis, Suzanne took "teen - ternity" leave to care for her and support her through recovery.
Many parents are choosing to take "teen - ternity" leave to help their children navigate the challenges of adolescence.
The concept of "teen - ternity" leave is gaining traction as more parents recognize the need for flexibility and support during the teenage years.

منابع• https://dictionaryblog.cambridge.org/2024/02/26/new-words-26-february-2024/
