tear someone away

پیشنهاد کاربران

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The phrase "tear someone away" means to force someone to leave a place or situation, often against their will or when they are deeply engrossed or attached to it. It implies a sense of difficulty or resistance in separating the person from the current environment or activity.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

عبارت به معنای مجبور کردن کسی به ترک مکان یا موقعیتی است، اغلب برخلاف میل خود یا زمانی که عمیقاً درگیر آن یا به آن وابسته هست. دلالت بر احساس دشواری یا مقاومت در جداسازی فرد از محیط یا فعالیت فعلی دارد.
The captivating novel was so engrossing that it was hard to tear her away from reading it.
The children were having so much fun at the playground that it was a challenge to tear them away when it was time to leave.
The team was deeply focused on their project, making it tough for the manager to tear them away for a break.

منابع• https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/tear-away
