target practice

پیشنهاد کاربران

Target practice refers to the act of practicing one’s aim and accuracy with a firearm or other projectile - based weapon. It can also be used metaphorically to describe someone who is being used as a means of practice or experimentation, often without regard for their well - being.
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تمرین هدف و دقت فرد با سلاح گرم یا سایر سلاح های مبتنی بر پرتابه.
همچنین به صورت استعاری برای توصیف شخصی که به عنوان وسیله ای برای تمرین یا آزمایش، اغلب بدون توجه به سلامت او استفاده شود، سیبل هدف
For example, in a shooting range, a person might engage in target practice to improve their shooting skills.
In a discussion about a new sport, a person might say, “I’m just a target practice for the more experienced players. ”
A person discussing the challenges of being a beginner might say, “I feel like a target practice, constantly making mistakes and learning from them. ”
