talk something to death

پیشنهاد کاربران

To "talk something to death" means to discuss a topic or issue excessively and exhaustively, often to the point where it becomes repetitive or tedious. It implies that the conversation has gone on for too long or has become unproductive.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

بحث کردن در مورد یک موضوع یا مسئله به طور افراطی و کامل، اغلب تا جایی که تکراری یا خسته کننده می شود. به این معنی است که مکالمه برای مدت طولانی ادامه داشته یا بی نتیجه است.
1. The team spent hours talking the proposal to death without reaching a decision.
2. We've already discussed this issue extensively; let's not talk it to death again.
3. They kept debating the same point over and over, talking the topic to death without making any progress.
4. Our family gatherings always involve talking politics to death, and it can get tiresome.
5. I appreciate your input, but let's not talk this idea to death. We need action and implementation now.

1. to impede or prevent the passage of ( a bill ) through filibustering
ممناعت کردن یا جلوگیری کردن از تصویب یک ( لایحه ) از طریق filibustering ( ایراد نطق های بسیار طولانی در مجلس شورا به منظور جلوگیری از مطرح شدن یا تصویب لایحه و غیره )
[مشاهده متن کامل]

مثال: During the heated political debate, the opposition members tried to talk the proposed bill to death, hoping to delay its passage
2. to talk to incessantly or at great length
صحبت کردن بی وقفه یا طولانی
مثال: Sarah's chatty friend would talk her plans to death, elaborating on every detail
https://www. collinsdictionary. com/dictionary/english/talk - to - death#:~:text=talk to death in American English&text=b. , incessantly or at great length
