talk someone's ass off

پیشنهاد کاربران

“Talk someone’s ass off” is an idiomatic expression that means to talk to someone too much, often in a boring or annoying way. It is considered a rude phrase and is mainly used in the United States.
For example, if someone is talking to you for hours about a topic that you are not interested in, you might say “he talked my ass off”.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

"Talk's ass off" یک عبارت اصطلاحی است که به معنای صحبت کردن بیش از حد با کسی، اغلب به روشی خسته کننده یا آزاردهنده است. این یک عبارت بی ادبانه محسوب می شود و عمدتاً در ایالات متحده استفاده می شود.
برای مثال، اگر شخصی ساعت ها در مورد موضوعی با شما صحبت می کند که به آن علاقه ای ندارید، ممکن است بگویید "he talked my ass off".
سر کسی را خوردن ( از پر حرفی و حرافی )
I can't believe she talked my ear off for an hour about her new job.
He talked my ass off about his upcoming vacation plans.
I had to listen to her talk my ass off about her latest diet for the entire lunch break.
I was trying to get some work done, but my coworker talked my ass off about his weekend plans.
She always talks my ass off whenever we get together.

