take up the habit

پیشنهاد کاربران

"Take up the habit" is a phrase that means to start doing something regularly and consistently, as if it were a habit. It often refers to adopting a new behavior or practice, such as exercising, meditating, or quitting a bad habit. The phrase "take up the habit" suggests that the person is making a deliberate choice to incorporate this new behavior into their routine.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

عبارتی است به معنای شروع کردن به انجام کاری منظم و پیوسته، گویی یک عادت است. اغلب به اتخاذ یک رفتار یا عملکرد جدید مانند ورزش کردن، مراقبه یا ترک یک عادت بد اشاره دارد. عبارت "take up the habit" نشان می دهد که فرد در حال انتخاب عمدی برای گنجاندن این رفتار جدید در روال کار خود است.
Sarah decided to take up the habit of waking up early and going for a run every morning to improve her health and energy levels.
After quitting smoking, Mark took up the habit of chewing gum to help him resist the urge to light a cigarette.
In order to manage her stress, Emily started taking up the habit of practicing yoga and meditation daily.
