take up for

پیشنهاد کاربران

To protect or support someone in the face of criticism or attack. “Take up for” is often used when someone stands up for another person, especially when they are being treated unfairly.
محافظت یا حمایت کردن از کسی در برابر انتقاد یا حمله.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

اغلب زمانی استفاده می شود که کسی از شخص دیگری دفاع می کند، به ویژه زمانی که با او ناعادلانه رفتار می شود.
For example, a sibling might take up for their younger brother or sister if they are being bullied.
In a discussion about justice, someone might say, “We need to take up for those who can’t defend themselves. ”
A person might criticize someone for not taking up for a friend by saying, “You should have defended them instead of staying silent. ”

منابع• https://fluentslang.com/slang-for-defend/
