take something out on someone

پیشنهاد کاربران

( از عصبانیت و حرص )
کاسه کوزه ها رو سر یه بدبخت دیگر شکستن.
دیوارِ کوتاه پیدا کردن ( برای خالی کردن دق و دلی )
حرص و عصبانیت و خشم را بر سر کسی ( که ربطی نداره به داستان ) خالی کردن
🔴to treat someone badly because one feels angry, frustrated, etc
◀️ workers who go home and take out their frustration on their families I'm sorry you didn't get the job, but don't take it out on me.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

◀️ A : When i get pissed or get hurt or the fuckn bitch won't move, i grab one of those rods and jam it in her asshole
? B : You take the rods and shove it in their asshole
A : Yess
B : Good. Take out your frustrations on 'em
