take something as read

پیشنهاد کاربران

take ( something ) as read
to accept or assume that something is true and does not need to be proved
💠 You can take it as read that there's nothing really new in their proposal.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

take it as read
To plainly accept something as true, fact, or general knowledge without first verifying or investigating it.
💠 It's a shame that a lot of people take it as read that video games are no more than idle entertainment.
take something as read
If you take something as read, you accept it as true or right and therefore feel that it does not need to be discussed or proved.
💠 We took it as read that he must have been a KGB agent. The case for aid to eastern Europe is taken as read.
take something as read
to accept that a report or statement is correct without reading it or discussing it
💠 We’ll take the secretary’s report as read.
take something as read
idiom UK
to accept that something is true without making sure that it is
💠 I just took it as read that anyone who applied for the course would have the necessary qualifications.
اصطلاح، با معادل فارسی:
- [بریتیش] چیزی را بدون اثبات قبول کردن یا پذیرفتن
معنای دوستمون:
- قبول یا فرض اینکه چیزی درست است و نیازی به اثبات ندارد
- چشم بسته پذیرفتن/ قبول کردن
- در دم پذیرفتن
- بی تأمل پذیرفتن
