take on a challenge

پیشنهاد کاربران

To "take on a challenge" means to accept or confront a difficult task or situation with determination and readiness.
✍️ "پذیرفتن یک چالش" / قبول یا رویارویی با یک کار یا وضعیت دشوار با عزم و آمادگی.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

👈مترادف؛ Accept a challenge, confront a challenge, tackle a challenge
She decided to take on the challenge of running a marathon. 1.
2. Taking on new challenges can help you grow personally and professionally.
3. He took on the challenge of learning a new language.

چالش را پذیرفتن
to take on a challenge
= to accept a challenge
The book is aimed at encouraging leaders across the country to take on this challenge.
هدف این کتاب تشویق رهبران سراسر کشور به پذیرش این چالش است.
