take no chances

پیشنهاد کاربران

هیچ ریسکی نمیکنه
🫐 دیکشنری مریام :
🔴 to not do something that is risky or dangerous
◀️She was taking no chances by refusing to go skydiving
They did not take any chances and called the fire department◀️ when they smelled gas
[مشاهده متن کامل]

◀️He said he couldn't afford to take any chances
🫐 Stackexchange. com
◀️ But people across the country were not taking any chances with suspicious packages after six pipe bombs were sent to prominent Democrats on the East Coast
🔴 Taking a chance or to take a chance means choosing to do something that has a risk of failure or of negative consequences.
Not taking any chances or to take no chances means to avoid anything that has a risk of failure or of negative consequences ( or at least to try to do so ) .
In this context it means that people will be extra careful of suspicious packages because of the circumstances, whereas normally people might be more willing to assume that suspicious packages are just mislabeled, delivered to the wrong address, etc.
🫐 Hinative
🔴 I am from the south of the US where we shorten everything 😂
So “I won’t be taking any chances” would sound better in my opinion. It just mean you won’t risk anything. As in, you’re gonna play it safe.
◀️ Person A: Did you still you want to go to that party tonight ?
Person B: Absolutely not, I won’t be taking any chances. Haven’t you heard the stories ?
به زبان ساده to take chances یا Taking a chance یعنی ریسک کردن و to take no chances یا not taking any chances یعنی ریسک نکردن
◀️ Not taking any chances, the president of United States ordered a contingency plan - to sterilise the raccoon City
