take liberties with

پیشنهاد کاربران

take liberties with somebody/something
ACT WITH FAMILIARITY, show disrespect, act with impropriety, act indecorously, be impudent, act with impertinence, take advantage, exploit
take liberties with someone
[مشاهده متن کامل]

to be friendly with another person for your own benefit
take liberties with something
to change something to suit your needs, esp when writing a story or book

1 - ایجاد تغییرات غیر منطقی در چیزی ( مانند یک قطعه نوشته )
The film - makers took too many liberties with the original novel.
سازندگان فیلم در رمان اصلی تغییرات زیادی دادند.
2. ( در رفتار نسبت به شخص ) خودمانی رفتار کردن با
[مشاهده متن کامل]

He's been taking liberties with our female staff.
او با کارکنان زن ما زیادی خودمانی رفتار می کند.
