take against

پیشنهاد کاربران

چپ افتادن با کسی بدون دلیل موجه
از کسی خوشت نیومدن
take against somebody/something
( old - fashioned, British English )
✔️to start not liking somebody/something for no clear reason
take something out ( against somebody )
✔️​to start legal action against somebody by means of an official document
[مشاهده متن کامل]

. E. g
The police have taken out a summons against the driver of the car
take up arms ( against somebody )
✔️​formal ) to prepare to fight )
. E. g
1 ) He encouraged his supporters to take up arms against the state
2 ) The people took up arms to defend their country
take a firm line/stand ( on/against something )
✔️​to make your beliefs known and to try to make others follow them
. E. g
1 ) We need to take a firm line on data privacy
2 ) They took a firm stand against drugs in the school
Oxford Dictionary@

دل چرکین شدن
به نقل از هزاره:
با. . . بد شدن
( کسی ) از . . . بدش آمدن
با . . . چپ افتادن
