tabloid fodder

پیشنهاد کاربران

Refers to news stories that are sensational, scandalous, or of little substance but are still covered by tabloid newspapers and magazines. Tabloid fodder often includes celebrity gossip, rumors, and stories that focus on personal drama rather than serious news.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

اخباری که هیجان انگیز، رسوایی آمیز یا کم محتوا هستند اما همچنان توسط روزنامه ها و مجلات زرد پوشش داده می شوند.
اغلب شامل شایعات، حرف و حدیث، و داستان هایی است که به جای اخبار جدی، بر درام شخصی متمرکز است.
For example, a headline might read, “Tabloid Fodder: Celebrity X Caught in Scandalous Affair. ''
A journalist might criticize the media for focusing on tabloid fodder instead of important issues.
In a discussion about media ethics, someone might argue that tabloid fodder undermines the credibility of journalism.
