swivel eyed

پیشنهاد کاربران

The term "swivel - eyed" is a British slang expression used to describe someone as having extreme or fanatical views. It is an insulting way to characterize someone as crazy or as having very extreme ideas
[مشاهده متن کامل]

یک عبارت عامیانه انگلیسی که برای توصیف شخصی که دارای دیدگاه های افراطی یا متعصب است استفاده می شود. این یک روش توهین آمیز برای توصیف فردی به عنوان دیوانه یا دارای ایده های بسیار افراطی است.
The press has characterized him as a swivel - eyed fanatic.
He is trying to ward off the opposition's charges that he is a swivel - eyed extremist.
Puritanism produces swivel - eyed zealots who pursue their manias with little sense of proportion.
To him they are "swivel - eyed Europhobes, hangers and floggers. "

منابع• https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/swivel-eyed• https://www.wordnik.com/words/swivel-eyed
