swallow the hook line and sinker

انگلیسی به انگلیسی

• believe everything one hears

پیشنهاد کاربران

swallow the hook line and sinker

این اصطلاح از ماهیگیری می آید .
Hook : قلاب
Line : نخ ماهیگیری
Sink : وزنه ای که وصل می کنند تا قلاب داخل آب برود .
معنی تحت الفظی : بلعیدن قلاب و نخ و وزنه
[مشاهده متن کامل]

یعنی دربست هر چیزی را شنیدی قبول کنی .
The phrase "hook, line, and sinker" is an idiom that means someone has completely and unquestioningly believed or accepted something, often in a way that suggests they were easily deceived. It originates from fishing, where the "hook" is the device used to catch the fish, the "line" is the string attached to the hook, and the "sinker" is a weight used to sink the hook deeper into the water. When a fish takes the bait, it swallows the hook, line, and sinker entirely, symbolizing total acceptance or gullibility.
The idiom is often used to describe situations where someone has been thoroughly convinced or tricked, such as:
- "He fell for her story hook, line, and sinker. "
- "The scammer's scheme was so convincing that they believed it hook, line, and sinker. "
It emphasizes the idea of being fully taken in or deceived without any skepticism.

با تمام وجود چیزی را باور کردن
کاملا مسئله را باور کردن
She said she hadn't eaten anything since morning and I swallowed it hook, line, and sinker because she looked pale and weak.
او گفت که از صبح چیزی نخورده بود و منم کاملا باور کردم چون رنگ پریده و ضعیف بنظر می آمد.
