suss out

پیشنهاد کاربران

To thoroughly examine or investigate something or someone. “Suss out” is often used when trying to gather information or figure something out.
بررسی یا بازرسی کامل چیزی یا کسی.
اغلب هنگام تلاش برای جمع آوری اطلاعات یا کشف چیزی استفاده می شود.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

a detective might say, “I need to suss out the suspect’s alibi. ”
In a conversation about a new hire, someone might ask, “Have you had a chance to suss out their qualifications?”
A person trying to solve a puzzle might say, “I need to suss out the next clue. ”

1 : to find or discover ( something ) by thinking They had to suss out whether he was telling the truth. . . . I think I've got him sussed out. 2 : to inspect or investigate ( something ) in order to gain more knowledge He carefully sussed out the situation.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

When referring to the popular 2018 video game "Among Us", "Suss out" means to identify and vote out the imposter before he manages to kill all crewmates aboard, this task is quite difficult considering that it is easy for one to be falsely accused as the imposter. An example of a conversation would go as follows:
Orange: Bro, red vented in electrical and me and purple both saw it! I say we suss out red before things get out of hand.
Purple: He's right, I saw red vent in electrical too.
Red: Bullshit! It's clear that their are two liars among us!
Blue has voted, 7 remaining.
Green has voted, 6 remaining.
Orange has voted, 5 remaining.
Purple has voted, 4 remaining.
Black has voted, 3 remaining.
Brown has voted, 2 remaining.
Cyan has voted, 1 remaining.
Red: Fuck you, guys.

Suss out=understand
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He finally suss out the truth
