survivor’s guilt

پیشنهاد کاربران

Survivor’s guilt is a psychological condition characterized by feelings of guilt and self - blame experienced by those who survive a traumatic event when others did not. It often arises from the belief that one’s own actions or circumstances somehow contributed to the harm or loss suffered by others.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

وضعیت روانی که با احساس گناه و سرزنش خود توسط افرادی که از یک رویداد آسیب زا جان سالم به در می برند در حالی که آنهامقصر در آن رویداد نیستند.
اغلب از این باور ناشی می شود که اعمال یا شرایط فرد به نحوی به آسیب یا ضرری که دیگران متحمل شده اند کمک کرده است.
احساس گناه بازمانده از یک رویداد ناخوشایند
I struggle with survivor’s guilt after my friends were killed in the accident.
Someone discussing their emotions might share, “Survivor’s guilt makes it difficult for me to move on and enjoy life. ”
A therapist might advise, “If you’re experiencing survivor’s guilt, it’s important to seek support and process your feelings in a healthy way. ”
