suck up to someone

پیشنهاد کاربران

چاپلوسی/کاسه لیسی/خایه مالی کسی را کردن
◀️ پادشاهی که در شرف مرگ بود به نوکرش که داشت همچنان چاپلوسی میکرد گفت :
You don't have to suck up to me anymore : دیگه لازم نیست خایه مالی منو بکنی

[مشاهده متن کامل]

informal disapproving
🔴 to try to make someone in authority approve of you by doing and saying things that will please them
◀️ Why do you think he offered to take all that work home?" "Oh, he's just sucking up to the boss
🔴 to try to win the approval and good opinion of someone in authority
◀️ She’s always sucking up to the boss, telling him how wonderful he is
