

معنی: مزخرف، سفاهت، بیهوشی، بی علاقگی، خیره سری، خریت، حماقت، سبک سری، کند ذهنی
معانی دیگر: ابلهی، کودنی، کم هوشی، stupidness خریت

بررسی کلمه

اسم ( noun )
حالات: stupidities
(1) تعریف: the condition of being dull or slow in intelligence; stupidness.
متضاد: genius, sense
مشابه: opacity

(2) تعریف: a stupid act or idea.
مشابه: folly

جمله های نمونه

1. clear stupidity
حماقت آشکار (محض)

2. colossal stupidity
حماقت عظیم

3. his stupidity enraged his father
حماقت او پدرش را به خشم آورد (کلافه کرد).

4. monumental stupidity
حماقت عظیم

5. patent stupidity
حماقت آشکار

6. this setback was another illustration of his inefficiency and stupidity
این شکست نمونه ی دیگری از بی عرضگی و نابخردی او بود.

7. This is a case of stupidity, not dishonesty.
[ترجمه گوگل]این یک مورد حماقت است، نه بی صداقتی
[ترجمه ترگمان]این یه پرونده احمقانه ست نه dishonesty
[ترجمه شما] ترجمه صحیح تر را بنویسید

8. She rebuked herself for her stupidity.
[ترجمه گوگل]او خودش را به خاطر حماقتش سرزنش کرد
[ترجمه ترگمان]او خود را به خاطر حماقت خود ملامت کرد
[ترجمه شما] ترجمه صحیح تر را بنویسید

9. What he is doing is utter stupidity!
[ترجمه گوگل]کاری که او انجام می دهد حماقت مطلق است!
[ترجمه ترگمان]کاری که او می کند حماقت مطلق است!
[ترجمه شما] ترجمه صحیح تر را بنویسید

10. Her answer showed the most incredible stupidity.
[ترجمه گوگل]پاسخ او باور نکردنی ترین حماقت را نشان داد
[ترجمه ترگمان]جواب او the بود
[ترجمه شما] ترجمه صحیح تر را بنویسید

11. He faked stupidity to try to escape punishment for the crime.
[ترجمه گوگل]او با جعل حماقت سعی کرد از مجازات جرم خود فرار کند
[ترجمه ترگمان]اون حماقت کرده که سعی کنه از مجازات فرار کنه
[ترجمه شما] ترجمه صحیح تر را بنویسید

12. She was enraged at his stupidity.
[ترجمه گوگل]او از حماقت او عصبانی شد
[ترجمه ترگمان]از حماقت او عصبانی بود
[ترجمه شما] ترجمه صحیح تر را بنویسید

13. Is it love of publicity or plain stupidity on her part?
[ترجمه گوگل]آیا این عشق به تبلیغات است یا حماقت آشکار از طرف او؟
[ترجمه ترگمان]آیا این عشق به خاطر شهرت یا حماقت محض است؟
[ترجمه شما] ترجمه صحیح تر را بنویسید

14. She rebuked herself sharply for her stupidity.
[ترجمه گوگل]او به شدت خود را به خاطر حماقتش سرزنش کرد
[ترجمه ترگمان]او خودش را به خاطر حماقت او سرزنش کرد
[ترجمه شما] ترجمه صحیح تر را بنویسید

15. A moment's reflection will show the stupidity of this argument.
[ترجمه گوگل]یک لحظه تأمل، حماقت این استدلال را نشان خواهد داد
[ترجمه ترگمان]یک لحظه انعکاس این مشاجره را نشان خواهد داد
[ترجمه شما] ترجمه صحیح تر را بنویسید

مترادف ها

مزخرف (اسم)
absurd, nonsense, bullshit, baloney, hooey, flapdoodle, stupidity, bologna, fiddle-faddle

سفاهت (اسم)
amentia, foolishness, stupidity, idiotism

بیهوشی (اسم)
fit, astonishment, stupefaction, stupidity, faint, anesthesia, trance, epilepsy, swoon, insensibility

بی علاقگی (اسم)
lethargy, stupidity, apathy, indifference, unconcern, inappetence

خیره سری (اسم)
arrogance, boldness, stupidity, self-confidence, obtuseness, fearlessness, screwball, headstrongness, bravery, self-assertion, self-assurance, extravagance, high-handedness, obtusity, self-will

خریت (اسم)
contrariness, stupidity, asininity, intractability, doggedness, headstrongness, silliness, pertinacity, mulishness

حماقت (اسم)
idiocy, foolishness, stupidity, idiotism, asininity, folly, silliness, hebetude, lunacy, fatuity, unreason, tommyrot

سبک سری (اسم)
frivolity, stupidity, levity, light-headedness

کند ذهنی (اسم)
stupor, stupidity, imbecility, idler, idleness

انگلیسی به انگلیسی

• lack of intelligence, dullness; stupor; foolishness
stupidity is behaviour that is not at all sensible.
stupidity is the quality of being stupid.

پیشنهاد کاربران

1. گیجی 2. خنگی. کودنی. 3. حماقت
he cursed their stupidity.
او به گیجی و خنگی آنها ناسزا گفت.
she blushed at her stupidity.
او در نتیجة حماقت اش سرخ شد.
↩️ دوستان لطفاً به این توضیحات خوب دقت کنید:
📋 در زبان انگلیسی یک root word داریم به اسم stup
📌 این ریشه، معادل "amaze" یا "daze" می باشد؛ بنابراین کلماتی که این ریشه را در خود داشته باشند، به "amaze" یا "daze" مربوط هستند.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

📂 مثال:
🔘 stupor – A state of being dazed or mentally numb
🔘 stupendous – Extremely amazing or impressive
🔘 stupefaction – A feeling of being amazed or astonished
🔘 stupefy – To daze or shock someone
🔘 stupid – Lacking the ability to think clearly, often dazed
🔘 stupidity – A lack of understanding or being amazed by simple things

بلاهة الحرب
How much war can be a Human stupidity?
The creation of wars by humans is not typically considered an expression of
cleverness. Wars are complex and multifaceted phenomena that arise from a variety of
[مشاهده متن کامل]

factors, including political, economic, social, and ideological motivations.
While conflicts may involve strategic thinking and planning, they are generally seen as a
result of deep - rooted issues, power struggles, or disagreements rather than a
demonstration of cleverness.
Cleverness, on the other hand, often refers to intelligence, resourcefulness, or
ingenuity in solving problems or achieving goals. It is more commonly associated
with positive and constructive endeavors rather than the destructive nature of wars.

War can indeed be influenced by human stupidity to a significant extent.
Many conflicts throughout history have been fueled by irrational decisions,
misunderstandings, miscalculations, and a lack of effective communication or
diplomacy. Human stupidity, in this context, refers to actions or decisions that
disregard the long - term consequences, fail to consider alternative solutions,
or prioritize short - term gains over peaceful resolutions.
Stupidity in the context of war can manifest in various ways, such as leaders making
impulsive or ill - informed decisions, misinterpreting intelligence or information, or
failing to seek diplomatic solutions. It can also involve the perpetuation of
harmful ideologies, prejudices, or biases that contribute to the escalation of conflicts.
While it is important to acknowledge that wars can have complex causes and are not
solely attributed to stupidity, the role of human irrationality and poor decision -
making cannot be overlooked. By promoting critical thinking, diplomacy, and a focus
on long - term peace, we can strive to minimize the impact of human stupidity on the
occurrence and escalation of wars.
War can indeed be influenced by human stupidity to a significant extent.
Many conflicts throughout history have been fueled by irrational decisions,
misunderstandings, miscalculations, and a lack of effective communication or
diplomacy. Human stupidity, in this context, refers to actions or decisions that
disregard the long - term consequences, fail to consider alternative solutions, or
prioritize short - term gains over peaceful resolutions.
Stupidity in the context of war can manifest in various ways, such as leaders making
impulsive or ill - informed decisions, misinterpreting intelligence or information, or
failing to seek diplomatic solutions. It can also involve the perpetuation of
harmful ideologies, prejudices, or biases that contribute to the escalation of conflicts.
While it is important to acknowledge that wars can have complex causes and are not
solely attributed to stupidity, the role of human irrationality and poor decision -
making cannot be overlooked. By promoting critical thinking, diplomacy, and a focus
on long - term peace, we can strive to minimize the impact of human stupidity on the
occurrence and escalation of wars.

🔍 دوستان مشتقات ( derivatives ) این کلمه اینها هستند:
✅ فعل ( verb ) : _
✅️ اسم ( noun ) : stupidity / stupid
✅️ صفت ( adjective ) : stupid
✅️ قید ( adverb ) : stupidly
Noun - uncountable :
رفتار احمقانه
به عنوان مثال :
the stupidity of the dialogue between the two romantic leads had movie audiences giggling uncontrollably
معنی TERRAFXRM ایشون کاملا صحیحه
فقط بیشعوری نمیشه
Stupidity = Stupidness : ( اسم ) خریت - حماقت - بیشعوری - کمبود هوش و شعور و درک
This shows your stupidity : این بیشعوری تورو نشون میده ( میرسونه )
Absolute ( utter ) stupidity : خریت محض ( شما هم یاد اون استاد ریاضیه افتادید ؟ ) 😂
