start with a clean slate

پیشنهاد کاربران

Start with a Clean Slate
✔️ To start ( something ) again with a fresh beginning; to work on a problem without thinking about what has been done before
Start with a clean slate
✔️ If you start with a clean slate, you do not take account of previous mistakes or failures and make a fresh start
[مشاهده متن کامل]

a clean slate
✔️ a state in which you are starting an activity or process again, not considering what has happened in the past at all
👈🏿 The previous negotiations did not go anywhere, and we intend to start them again next week with a clean slate
clean slate
✔️ a person's record ( as from a school or a job ) that shows no evidence of any problems, broken rules, etc. : a clean record
👈🏿 Everyone who comes to this school starts with a clean slate
ضرب المثل، با معادل فارسی:
⚡حساب پاک، بدون سوء سابقه، سابقه ی خوب، پرونده ی بی عیب و نقص، آغاز دوباره
