star chamber


دادگاه سلطنتی انگلیس (که در شقاوت معروف بود-در1641 برچیده شد)، انگلیس دادگاه عالی مدنی وجنایی، جابرانه وسری

بررسی کلمه

اسم ( noun )
(1) تعریف: a former English tribunal, composed of royal councillors, that became notorious for its secret sessions, arbitrary judgments, and severe punishments.

(2) تعریف: (often l.c.) any similarly unjust or severe tribunal, investigating committee, or group empowered to judge.

انگلیسی به انگلیسی

• court or committee that works in a brutal arbitrary and unjust manner (named after such a court that operated in england approximately 500 years ago)

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