
پیشنهاد کاربران

- someone or something that you notice especially because they are an excellent example or the best example of something
- a person or thing of exceptional quality or ability
نمونه شاخص، بارز ، برجسته، واضح، مشخص یا معلوم در مورد یک توانایی یا قابلیت اعم از انسان یا اشیاء
[مشاهده متن کامل]

💠 The minivan, while not a standout in the looks department, has a lot of charms.
💠 A standout in the show was the powerful song "Motherless Children. "
- used to describe someone or something that you notice especially because they are an excellent example or the best example of something
- exceptionally good
شاخص - بارز - برجسته - واضح - مشخص - معلوم
💠 There are various causes for diseases and the primary one is poor nutrition. In the last several decades, lifespans globally have increased exponentially, largely as a result of advances in medical science and greater understanding of the human body. A standout example of this would be the plant - based diets that are widely recommended by most nutritionists.
💠 Phelps was clearly the standout star in a bright galaxy of American swimmers

someone or something that you notice especially because they are an excellent example or the best example of something
کسی یا چیزی که شما متوجه آن می شوید، به ویژه به این دلیل که آنها نمونه ای عالی یا بهترین نمونه چیزی هستند.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

نمونه برجسته و عالی، ستاره
These four players have been standouts this season
While all the desserts are pretty good, the clear standout is the lemon pie

