stand firm
ثابت قدم بودن
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Stand One’s Ground✔️ Refuse to back down; insist on one’s position
stand your groundidiom✔️ to refuse to be pushed backwards, or to continue in your beliefs in an argument
👈🏿 The battalion stood its ground in the face of repeated attacks
... [مشاهده متن کامل]
👈🏿 Clare stood her ground in the meeting and refused to be intimidated even when Michael got angry
✔️ to refuse to change your opinion or give in to an argument
👈🏿 I kept trying to get my grandmother to find a smaller house, but she stood her ground
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to refuse to change your opinion or give in to an argument: I kept trying to get my grandmother to find a smaller house, but she stood her ground. ■■ stand ( one's ) ground🔴 1. To brace oneself and maintain one's position during or when anticipating an attack
... [مشاهده متن کامل]
🔵The other team's offense was incredibly aggressive, but our defense stood their ground
Despite the guy's size, I managed to stand my ground during the fight
🔴 2. To refuse to yield, compromise, or be belittled; to stand up against an attack or insult
🔵The boss scoffed at her idea initially, but she stood her ground and explained it in greater detail. He kept offering me less money, but I stood my ground and got the full asking price
■■ stand your ground
🔴A phrase referring, in the United States, to a law that allows one to use force that would otherwise be illegal against a person that they perceive as posing an immediate threat of serious bodily harm. The name comes from the idea that one can "stand one's ground" rather than retreat.
🔵The shooter's state has a stand your ground law, so it's unlikely he'll face any charges, even though the man he shot was unarmed. It's still too early to tell whether the prosecutor will consider this a case of "stand your ground. "
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To stand someone's ground
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