squeeze someone in

پیشنهاد کاربران

🔴 تعریف | ◀️مثال
وقت باز/خالی/جور کردن برای چیزی یا کسی
( squeeze in ( phrasal verb of squeeze
🔴 manage to find time for someone or something.
🔴 to manage to do something or see someone in a short period of time or when you are very busy
[مشاهده متن کامل]

◀️ "the doctor can squeeze you in at noon"
◀️ While we're in Australia, we're hoping to squeeze in a trip to the Barrier Reef.
◀️ I'm very busy this week but I could squeeze you in at 2. 30 on Tuesday.
◀️ Do you think we could squeeze in a trip to the shops?
◀️ I have an appointment at 10. 00 and one at 11. 00 but I could squeeze you in in between.
◀️ We're only in Spain for a week but I'm hoping we can squeeze in a trip to Madrid.
◀️ We're quite busy on Saturday but I'm sure we can squeeze you in.
◀️ Could you squeeze in another meeting?
◀️ Just wanted tell you that it's a nice day to start learning some English. If you got that in your plans then great, if not, try to squeeze it in : انگلیسی رو بچپون تو برنامه هات
