spot cash

انگلیسی به انگلیسی

• cash money

پیشنهاد کاربران

"Spot cash" refers to money that is paid immediately as cash.
In simpler terms, it represents funds exchanged directly and instantaneously upon completion of a transaction or delivery of goods.
به پولی اطلاق می شود که بلافاصله به صورت نقد پرداخت می شود، وجه نقد
[مشاهده متن کامل]

به عبارت ساده تر، نشان دهنده وجوهی است که به طور مستقیم و آنی پس از اتمام یک معامله یا تحویل کالا مبادله می شود.
After receiving confirmation of the successful delivery, the customer paid $10, 000 in spot cash to the courier service.
When purchasing luxury items like jewelry or art, buyers often prefer to pay in spot cash to avoid leaving a paper trail.
Due to the nature of their business, small retail stores frequently deal with large amounts of spot cash transactions daily.

spot cash
