spoken for

پیشنهاد کاربران

1 -
"Spoken for" is an adjective that means that someone or something has already been claimed or reserved by someone else, and therefore is not available for others to have or use. For example, "I'm sorry, this seat is spoken
[مشاهده متن کامل]

for" means that someone else has already reserved the seat, and it is not available for someone else to use. Another example is "most of the money is spoken for, " which means that the money has already been allocated or promised to someone else.
صفتی است به این معنی که شخص یا چیزی قبلاً توسط شخص دیگری ادعا یا رزرو شده است و بنابراین برای دیگران در دسترس نیست. به عنوان مثال، "I'm sorry, this seat is spoken for" به این معنی است که شخص دیگری قبلاً صندلی را خریده است و برای استفاده دیگری در دسترس نیست. مثال دیگر این است که �most of the money is spoken for�، به این معنی که پول قبلاً به شخص دیگری تخصیص یا قول داده شده است.
All the tickets for the concert were sold out, but luckily, I found two seats that were still spoken for due to a cancellation.
After months of searching, he finally found the perfect house, but unfortunately, it turned out to be spoken for before he could make an offer.
2 -
The phrase "spoken for" can also be used to refer to a person who is already in a committed relationship. For instance, "she's already spoken for" means that she is already in a relationship with someone else and is not available for others to pursue romantically.
عبارت را می توان برای اشاره به شخصی که قبلاً در یک رابطه متعهدانه است نیز استفاده کرد. به عنوان مثال، "she's already spoken for" به این معنی است که او در حال حاضر با شخص دیگری در ارتباط است.
She mentioned that her engagement ring had been passed down through generations and was now spoken for by her fianc�.

spoken for
منابع• https://www.ldoceonline.com/dictionary/be-spoken-for
قولش به کس دیگه ای داده شده ( برای فروش )
I’m sorry, but this one is already spoken for. Can I sit here, or is this seat spoken for?
یعنی: از قبل رزرو شده، گرفته شده
با کس دیگری بودن
Do you think he’s already spoken for?
تو فکر می کنی مَرده با یکی دیگه ست؟
تعهد داشتن
وقتی �برای کسی صحبت شده� یعنی برای روابط رمانتیک در دسترس نیست چون از قبل کسی رو داره. به عبارتی قبل از اینکه خودش بگه نه، وجود یارش واسش میگه نه.
