sow discord

پیشنهاد کاربران

To sow discord means to intentionally create conflict, disagreement, or tension among people or groups. It is a way to undermine unity or cooperation.
ایجاد کردن تعارض، اختلاف یا تنش عمدی در میان افراد یا گروه ها. این راهی برای تضعیف وحدت یا همکاری است.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

اختلاف افکنی کردن
The agent sowed discord among the members of the organization.
In a social media discussion, someone might accuse another of trying to sow discord by spreading false information.
A person discussing political tactics might say, “Divisive rhetoric is often used to sow discord and weaken opposition. ”

اختلاف افکنی
