1. soon after her husband's death, she pined away and died too
اندکی پس از مرگ شوهرش او هم دق کرد و مرد.
2. soon after the operation, he died
کمی پس از عمل جراحی مرد.
3. soon after, denmark fell to the germans
اندکی بعد دانمارک توسط آلمان ها فتح شد.
4. soon afterward he died
اندکی پس از آن درگذشت.
5. soon byron's fame eclipsed everyone else's
کمی نپایید که (شهرت) بایرون،شهرت همه را تحت الشعاع قرار داد.
6. soon he found the method for the performance of his duties
به زودی به شیوه ی انجام وظایفش پی برد.
7. soon his injury mended
جراحات او به زودی شفا یافت.
8. soon his real intention became plain
به زودی قصد واقعی او آشکار شد.
9. soon it will be spring
بهار بزودی فرا خواهد رسید.
10. soon my fear vanished
به زودی واهمه ی من زایل شد.
11. soon she herself became the pivot of attention
به زودی خود او مرکز توجه شد.
12. soon the absurdity of the accusations advanced by him became evident
پوچی اتهاماتی که او مطرح کرده بود بزودی آشکار شد.
13. soon the children fleshed up
بچه ها به زودی چاق شدند.
14. soon the excellence of his character impressed everyone
به زودی والایی شخصیت او همه را تحت تاثیر قرار داد.
15. soon the house was turned into a den of thieves
دیری نپایید که آن خانه به لانه دزدان تبدیل گشت.
16. soon the magazine became a showcase for young writers
به زودی آن مجله هنرنمای نویسندگان جوان شد.
17. soon the novelty of living in a palace wore off
پس از اندکی زندگی در کاخ تازگی خود را از دست داد.
18. soon the trees will flower and the sky will smile
به زودی درختان گل خواهند داد و آسمان لبخند خواهد زد.
19. soon after
کمی بعد،اندکی پس از
20. soon afterward
کمی بعد،اندکی بعد (از آن)
21. as soon as anything happens he runs to his mother's lap
تا چیزی می شود به دامن مادرش پناه می برد.
22. as soon as he arrived in town, he went to the base and reported for duty
به محض این که وارد شهر شد به پادگان رفت و خود را برای انجام وظیفه معرفی کرد.
23. as soon as he entered the room, they let him have it
تا وارد اتاق شد ریختند بر سرش.
24. as soon as he got home, his wife would start carping
به مجرد اینکه به خانه می رسید زنش شروع می کرد به نق زدن.
25. as soon as he got the ball, he was tackled
به مجرد اینکه توپ را گرفت او را تکل کردند.
26. as soon as he opens his mouth, his wife snaps at him
تا دهانش را باز می کند زنش به او تشر می زند.
27. as soon as he sat on the dentist chair, he tensed up
تا روی صندلی دندانپزشک نشست،عصبی شد.
28. as soon as he saw her his cheeks colored
تا او را دید گونه هایش سرخ شد.
29. as soon as he saw me he ducked behind a fence
مرا که دید پشت نرده قایم شد.
30. as soon as he saw me he smiled
تا مرا دید لبخند زد.
31. as soon as he saw the bear, he took to the nearest tree
تا خرس را دید به نزدیک ترین درخت پناه برد.
32. as soon as he saw the enemy, his courage deserted him
تا دشمن را دید جرات خود را از دست داد.
33. as soon as he saw the meat, the dog slobbered
با دیدن گوشت آب دهان از لب و لوچه ی سگ جاری شد.
34. as soon as he saw the rotten corpse he recoiled with disgust
تا جسد فاسد شده را دید از شدت تنفر یکه خورد.
35. as soon as he saw the thief, he reached for his gun
تا دزد را دید دست برد به طرف تپانچه اش.
36. as soon as he took over, everything clicked
به مجرد آن که او کارها را به عهده گرفت همه چیز روبراه شد.
37. as soon as i looked at her, she withdrew her glance
تا به او نگاه کردم (او) نگاهش را برگرداند به طرف دیگر.
38. as soon as i opened the hatch a mouse popped out
تا دریچه را باز کردم یک موش بیرون پرید.
39. as soon as i said i have no money, she flashed out at me
تا گفتم پول ندارم بر سرم فریاد زد.
40. as soon as i saw the donkey, i sheered off to the left
تا الاغ را دیدم (اتومبیل را) به چپ پیچیدم.
41. as soon as i touched his wound he yelped
تا دست به زخم او زدم دادش بلند شد.
42. as soon as me saw the cake, he smacked his lips
تا کیک را دید شروع کرد به لب مزه کردن.
43. as soon as money was mentioned he flew off the handle
به مجرد آنکه حرف پول به میان آمد از کوره در رفت.
44. as soon as possible
هر چه زودتر
45. as soon as school ended, my mother would bundle us off to kashan
به مجرد تمام شدن مدرسه مادرم ما را راهی کاشان می کرد.
46. as soon as she collapsed we rushed her to a hospital
به مجرد از حال رفتن او را به بیمارستان رساندیم.
47. as soon as she heard shemr's name, her face puckered
تا اسم شمر را شنید چهره اش چین افتاد.
48. as soon as she saw me she primmed
تا مرا دید خودش را گرفت.
49. as soon as she saw my red tie she began to fume
تا کراوات قرمز مرا دید از کوره در رفت.
50. as soon as she saw the broken dish, she pouted and. . .
تا بشقاب شکسته را دید لب و لوچه اش آویزان شد و . . .
51. as soon as she saw the mouse, she screamed
تا موش را دید جیغ زد.
52. as soon as she saw the policeman, she quickened her steps
تا مامور پلیس را دید قدم های خود را تند کرد.
53. as soon as spring arrived, she discarded her winter clothes
به مجرد فرار رسیدن بهار لباس های زمستانی خود را کنار گذاشت.
54. as soon as the cat saw the snake, it became ruffled
گربه تا مار را دید براق شد.
55. as soon as the horse saw the snake, it reared
تا اسب مار را دید روی دو پا بلند شد.
56. as soon as the teacher turned his back, the girls tittered
تا معلم پشتش را به آنها کرد دخترها هرهر خنده را سر دادند.
57. as soon as the telephone rings, ali pounces on it
(مجازی) تا تلفن زنگ می زند علی می پرد و آن را بر می دارد.
58. as soon as the words were spoken, she was sorry
به مجرد گفتن آن کلمات پشیمان شد.
59. as soon as they amassed enough money, they decided to take a trip
به مجرد اینکه پول کافی جمع کردند تصمیم گرفتند به سفر بروند.
60. as soon as they entered, i seized their intent
تا وارد شدند منظورشان به دلم برات شد.
61. as soon as they found that the salary would be insignificant, all of the job's candidates shied away
تا فهمیدند حقوق ناچیز خواهد بود همه ی متقاضیان آن شغل منصرف شدند.
62. as soon as they saw me, they laughed
تا مرا دیدند خندیدند.
63. he soon acclamated to the heat and was not uncomfortable
چیزی نگذشت که به گرما عادت کرد و دیگر ناراحت نبود.
64. he soon became a darling of the multitudes
او به زودی محبوب توده های مردم شد.
65. he soon became acquainted with the complexities of political life
به زودی با پیچیدگی های زندگی سیاسی آشنا شد.
66. he soon became an object of the people's hatred
به زودی آماج تنفر مردم شد.
67. he soon consumed his father's inheritance
به زودی ارث پدرش را به باد داد.
68. he soon developed a feel for the job
به زودی لم کار به دستش آمد.
69. he soon found his own literary niche
به زودی به مقام ادبی شایسته ای دست یافت.
70. he soon got tired of the merry-go-round of tehran's parties
به زودی از مهمانی های پر سر و صدای تهران خسته شد.