someone can talk

پیشنهاد کاربران

idiom informal ( also mainly UK someone can't talk! ) ; ( US also someone should talk! )
someone has no right to say a particular thing, used especially when someone criticizes another person for something that is true about themselves:
[مشاهده متن کامل]

اصطلاح، غیر رسمی
کسی حق ندارد چیز خاصی بگوید، مخصوصاً در زمانی که کسی از شخص دیگری به خاطر چیزی که در مورد خودش صادق است انتقاد می کند استفاده می شود، حرف نباشه
"I'm not interested in hearing other people's rants about everything. " "You can talk! All you ever do is rant!"
She catalogues his faults - pettiness, bad temper, jealousy - to which he replies "You can talk. "
"He told me off for being late. " "He can't talk! He's never on time!"
I know I can hardly talk, being divorced myself, but I couldn't believe the marriage only lasted three months.
"Why don't you relax?" "You should talk!"
When you've taught as long as she has, then you can talk.

