soft separation

پیشنهاد کاربران

an arrangement by which two married people stop living together as a couple but do not get divorced/ Soft separation is a term that refers to a type of break - up where the couple remains on friendly terms and continues to share some aspects of their lives, such as parenting, finances, or social circles1. It is different from conscious uncoupling, which involves a more formal and intentional process of ending a relationship.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

توافقی که به موجب آن دو فرد متاهل زندگی مشترک را به عنوان یک زوج متوقف می کنند اما طلاق نمی گیرند/ اصطلاحی است که به نوعی از جدایی اشاره دارد که در آن زوجین در شرایط دوستانه باقی می مانند و همچنان برخی از جنبه های زندگی خود مانند فرزندپروری، امور مالی یا محافل اجتماعی را به اشتراک می گذارند. این با جداسازی آگاهانه متفاوت است، که شامل فرآیند رسمی و عمدی پایان دادن به یک رابطه است.
hey decided to have a soft separation after realizing they were no longer in love, but they still cared for each other and wanted to co - parent their children.
She was surprised by how well her ex - husband handled their soft separation. He even invited her to his birthday party and introduced her to his new girlfriend.

