
پیشنهاد کاربران

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📋 در زبان انگلیسی یک prefix داریم به اسم socio ( به صورت soci هم نوشته می شود )
📌 این پیشوند، معادل "related to society; companionship" می باشد؛ بنابراین کلماتی که این پیشوند را در خود داشته باشند، به "society" یا "companionship" مربوط هستند.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

📂 مثال:
🔘 social: related to "society" and interactions.
🔘 society: a structured community of "companionship".
🔘 sociable: friendly and enjoying "companionship".
🔘 socialize: to engage in "society" and build relationships.
🔘 socialization: the process of adapting to "society".
🔘 socialist: someone who advocates for collective "society".
🔘 socialism: a political system focused on shared "society" resources.
🔘 socialite: a person active in fashionable "society".
🔘 sociability: the ability to engage in "companionship".
🔘 socially: in a manner related to "society".
🔘 sociality: the tendency to form "companionship".
🔘 societal: related to structured "society".
🔘 societarian: favoring organized "society".
🔘 societary: pertaining to "society" structures.
🔘 sociocracy: governance based on "society" equality.
🔘 sociocentric: focused on "society" rather than individuals.
🔘 sociocultural: involving both "society" and culture.
🔘 sociodemographic: related to "society" and population statistics.
🔘 socioeconomic: combining "society" and economic factors.
🔘 socioenvironmental: concerning "society" and its environment.
🔘 socioethical: merging "society" and ethical considerations.
🔘 sociohistorical: analyzing "society" through history.
🔘 sociolegal: involving "society" and legal systems.
🔘 sociolinguistic: studying language in "society".
🔘 sociological: examining "society" scientifically.
🔘 sociology: the study of "society" and its structures.
🔘 sociomedical: linking "society" and medicine.
🔘 sociometric: measuring relationships in "society".
🔘 sociometry: the statistical analysis of "society".
🔘 sociocognitive: relating to "society" and thought processes.
🔘 sociogenetic: concerning the origins of "society".
🔘 sociogenesis: the development of "society".
🔘 sociodynamics: forces that shape "society".
🔘 socioecological: interaction between "society" and ecosystems.
🔘 socioeducational: involving "society" and education.
🔘 socioemotional: merging "society" and emotions.
🔘 socioinformatics: the role of data in "society".
🔘 sociophobia: fear of "society" interactions.
🔘 sociopath: someone with disregard for "society" norms.
🔘 sociopathy: a disorder affecting "society" interactions.
🔘 sociopolitical: merging "society" and politics.
🔘 socioreligious: involving "society" and religion.
🔘 socioscientific: linking "society" and science.
🔘 sociosystemic: structured within "society" systems.
🔘 sociotechnical: relating to "society" and technology.
🔘 socioempathic: blending "society" and empathy.
🔘 socioadaptive: adjusting behavior to fit "society".
🔘 sociolect: language used within a "society" group.
🔘 sociodiversity: variety within "society".
🔘 socio - psychological: relating to "society" and psychology.
🔘 sociospatial: interaction of space and "society".
🔘 sociotherapy: therapy based on "society" interactions.
🔘 sociosphere: the collective environment of "society".
🔘 sociocognition: thinking processes in "society".
🔘 sociogenomics: the role of genetics in "society".
🔘 socionomics: the study of economic behavior in "society".
🔘 sociotoxicity: harmful effects within "society".
🔘 sociogram: a visual map of relationships in "society".
🔘 sociorelational: interactions in "society".
🔘 socioaffective: the emotional side of "society".
🔘 sociodevelopmental: growth and progress in "society".
🔘 sociolegalism: legal perspectives within "society".
🔘 sociodrama: role - playing to reflect "society".
🔘 sociobiology: the biological basis of "society".
🔘 sociophonetics: pronunciation variations in "society".
🔘 sociosemiotic: the study of signs in "society".

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