smarten up

معنی: زیبا کردن

مترادف ها

زیبا کردن (فعل)
adorn, beautify, embellish, smarten up, groom, titivate

پیشنهاد کاربران

Think clearly
میتونیم Smarten up رو با Watch out مترادف بگیریم؟
یا کاربردشون فرق میکنه؟
To “smarten up” means to improve or make something more professional in appearance or performance.
بهبود دادن یا حرفه ای تر کردن چیزی در فرم یا عملکرد
You need to smarten up your presentation skills for the upcoming meeting.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

In a discussion about office etiquette, someone might suggest, “Let’s all smarten up our dress code to create a more professional environment. ”
A teacher might say to their students, “I expect you to smarten up your behavior and show more respect in the classroom. ”

آراسته کردن، حواس خود را جمع کردن
✔️عاقل شدن
In a July 2016 interview with The Washington Post, Khalifa stated that she had only performed in pornography for three months and had left the industry over a year before, changing to a "more normal job. " She said, "I guess it was my rebellious phase. It wasn't really for me. I kind of smartened up and tried to distance myself from that
[مشاهده متن کامل]

حواست رو جمع کن
حواستو جمع کن.
عاقل باش
Smarten up = اصطلاح هست به معنای حواست جمع باشه یا Be careful
To make yourself , another person , or a place look neater or more attractive
به خود یا دیگری رسیدن ، دستی به رو کشیدن ، آماده کردن و آراسته کردن
Make a place or a person look more attractive
مکانی را زیبا تر کردن یا درست کردن
لباس آراسته پوشیدن
مشاهده ادامه پیشنهادها (١٠ از ١٢)
