sky cop

پیشنهاد کاربران

Sky Cop is a term used to refer to the Air Force Military Police. It suggests that these individuals are responsible for maintaining discipline and enforcing laws within the Air Force.
Sky Cop اصطلاحی برای اشاره به پلیس نظامی نیروی هوایی، دژبان نیروی هوایی
[مشاهده متن کامل]

این نشان می دهد که این افراد مسئول حفظ انضباط و اجرای قوانین در نیروی هوایی هستند.
“I got in trouble and had to talk to a sky cop, they take their job very seriously. ”
In a discussion about security measures, a person might comment, “The sky cops are always patrolling the base, making sure everything is secure. ”
A member of the Air Force might say, “I feel safe knowing the sky cops are watching over us. ”

