skip out on someone

پیشنهاد کاربران

1 -
skip out on someone/something
to avoid doing something that you should do; to leave someone when they need your help
اجتناب کردن از انجام کاری که باید انجام دهید؛ ترک کردن کسی در زمانی که به کمک شما نیاز دارد.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

He explained why he skipped out on a live radio appearance.
2 -
skip out ( on something/someone )
to avoid a responsibility, esp. by leaving or not appearing
طفره رفتن/خودداری کردن از انجام وظیفه، به ویژه با ترک محل یا عدم حضور
He explained why he skipped out on a live radio appearance.
I was hoping I might be able to skip out at 4 o’clock, but my boss wants this done by Monday.

