
پیشنهاد کاربران

A recreational drug concoction made by mixing prescription - strength cough syrup containing codeine with a carbonated soft drink and often a hard candy. “Sizzurp” is a slang term often used to refer to this mixture, which is typically purple in color.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

اصطلاح عامیانه
مخلوط دارویی تفننی که از ترکیب کردن شربت سرفه قوی حاوی کدئین با یک نوشابه گازدار و اغلب یک آب نبات چوبی تهیه می شود.
این مخلوط معمولاً به رنگ بنفش است.
He was sipping on sizzurp all night at the party.
In a discussion about the dangers of recreational drug use, one might say, “Sizzurp can have severe health effects and should be avoided. ”
A concerned friend might ask, “Have you noticed any negative consequences from using sizzurp?”
