six feet under

پیشنهاد کاربران

Dead and buried
When I die, I want to be laid to rest six feet under.
In a conversation about funeral customs, a person might mention, “In many cultures, bodies are buried six feet under as a sign of respect. ”
[مشاهده متن کامل]

A person might comment on a news article about a cemetery, “I wonder how many people are actually buried six feet under in that place. ”

مرده و دفن شده.
Sam could have reported us, but now he's six feet under, we're safe
دو متر زیر خاک بودن ( کنایه از مردن )
مرده، هر چیزی که دفن شده
در اعماق خاک دفن شده
دفن شده
این اصطلاح برای کسی که مرده است استفاده میشه
