sinking feeling

پیشنهاد کاربران

ترتیب: قدیمیجدیدرای موافقرای مخالف
دکتر علی ناجی١٢:٥١ - ١٤٠٣/٠١/٠٨حس یهویی نگران کننده در مورد درست بودن و اتفاق افتادن چیزی یا موردی
دل آشوبی
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حسین کتابدار١٣:٤٠ - ١٤٠٢/٠٨/٢٣a feeling that something bad is going to happen
احساس اینکه اتفاق بدی قرار است بیفتد
حس دلهره، اضطراب و دلشوره
I had a sinking feeling when I picked up the bill.
As soon as I heard the news, I had a sinking feeling in my stomach.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

The thought of losing my job gave me a sinking feeling.
When I saw the damage to my car, I had a sinking feeling that it was going to be expensive to repair.
The realization that I had forgotten my passport gave me a sinking feeling.
The sinking feeling I had when I realized I had lost my phone was quickly replaced with relief when I found it in my bag.

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مریم سالک زمانی٠٨:٠٩ - ١٤٠٢/٠٨/٢٣احساس نگرانی - احساس دلواپسی - احساس دلشوره
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بختیاری١٧:٥٧ - ١٤٠١/٠٧/٢٩If you have a sinking feeling, you suddenly become depressed or lose hope
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Figure١٦:٤١ - ١٤٠٠/١٠/٠٩یه حس بد
حس نا امیدی
یه حس دلهره و اضطراب
Deep down, we have a sinking feeling that his
mom didn’t take the time to teach him public transportation manners before bringing him on a train
The news brought a sinking feeling to his stomach
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aram١٣:١١ - ١٣٩٩/٠٣/١٢حس دلهره و دلشوره
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