sing for your supper

پیشنهاد کاربران

اصطلاح قدیمی انجام کاری برای شخص دیگری به منظور دریافت چیزی در ازای آن، به خصوص غذا: دن در طبقه بالا در حال تعمیر کامپیوتر من است - من او را وادار می کنم برای شامش بخواند.
The phrase "sing for your supper" is an idiom that means to provide something in exchange for a benefit or favor received. It implies that one must work or perform in order to earn what they want.
فراهم/تامین کردن چیزی در ازای منفعت یا لطف دریافتی.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

به این معنی است که برای به دست آوردن آنچه که می خواهید، باید کار کنید یا کاری انجام دهید.
The artist had to sing for her supper by performing at local events to earn money for her living expenses.
The student knew he had to study hard and excel in his exams to earn good grades - he had to sing for his supper.
The athlete trained rigorously every day, knowing that he had to sing for his supper if he wanted to win the championship.

