sincere apology

پیشنهاد کاربران

پوزش/عذرخواهی صادقانه و از ته دل
?A : as a Chinese do you have a new country that you don't like
B : Japan
?A: Why
B : committing countless war crimes in my country in the past
A : they apologise though
[مشاهده متن کامل]

B : they just apologise but they have never concluded that why they committed war crimes in the past : آنها فقط عذرخواهی می کنند اما هرگز به این نتیجه نرسیده اند که چرا در گذشته مرتکب جنایات جنگی شده اند
?A : so you think they owe us a sincere apology, right
B : Absolutely
