sick to death

پیشنهاد کاربران

جون به لب شدن
to be sick to death ( of something ) : to have had enough of ( something ) , to not be able to endure ( something ) any more
totally disgusted with someone or something
چیزی را بیشتر نتوان تحمل کردن، به تنگ آمدن از چیزی، از چیزی یا کسی کاملاً بیزار و متنفّر بودن
[مشاهده متن کامل]

I am sick to death of your constant bickering.
This reporting about the scandals in the government just has me sick to death.
I was all gung - ho about this graduate program when I first began, but I must admit that I’ve grown sick to death of these boring lectures.

خسته از چیزی
