shy away from something

پیشنهاد کاربران

The phrase "shy away from something" means to avoid or be hesitant about doing something because of fear, lack of confidence, or other reasons. It can also mean to avoid or be cautious about getting involved in a situation, especially when it is challenging or unfavorable.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

به معنای پرهیز یا تردید کردن در انجام کاری به دلیل ترس، عدم اعتماد به نفس یا دلایل دیگر. همچنین می تواند به معنای اجتناب از درگیر شدن یا محتاط بودن در مورد درگیر شدن در یک موقعیت باشد، به خصوص زمانی که چالش برانگیز یا نامطلوب است.
1. The new employee shies away from speaking up during team meetings because she doesn't want to make mistakes.
2. Some people shy away from public speaking because they fear being judged or ridiculed.
3. The politician shied away from taking a firm stance on climate change because he didn't want to alienate voters.
4. Despite facing criticism and backlash, the celebrity refused to shy away from taking a bold stand on social justice issues.
5. The company shied away from expanding into new markets because of the risks involved, even though it could have boosted their profits.

طفره رفتن، دوری کردن، فرار کردن از چیزی که تمایل به انجامش ندارید
to avoid something that you dislike, fear, or do not feel confident about:
I've never shied away from hard work.
