shuffle the deck

پیشنهاد کاربران

This phrase is often used to describe the act of rearranging or reorganizing something, usually to introduce variety or randomness. It can be applied to various situations, not just card games.
بازآرایی یا سازماندهی کردن مجدد چیزی
[مشاهده متن کامل]

Let’s shuffle the deck and assign new roles to everyone in the team.
In a creative brainstorming session, someone might suggest, “Let’s shuffle the deck and try a different approach. ”
A teacher might say, “Shuffling the deck of questions will ensure that everyone gets a fair chance to participate. ”

هشدار دادن درباره وضعیتی که نظم افراد و چیز های دیگر را به هم میزند. By extension, to alter a situation, especially by changing the arrangement of people or things involved, in a new or unpredictable manner.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

An exceptionally busy trade period is shuffling
. the deck for many of the national hockey teams

The results of the recent elections have really
. shuffled the deck in Congress
