show someone's dirty laundry

پیشنهاد کاربران

To reveal private or embarrassing information about someone, often publicly.
✍️افشای رازهای کسی ( اصطلاح ) / افشا کردن اطلاعات خصوصی یا شرم آور درباره کسی، اغلب به صورت عمومی.
✍️✍️نماد خیانت به اعتماد و تجاوز به حریم خصوصی است.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

👈مترادف: Air Someone's Dirty Laundry, Expose Secrets, Reveal Embarrassing Facts
She was upset when her friend decided to show her dirty laundry in front of everyone.
The tabloid loves to show celebrities' dirty laundry to boost their sales.
It's unfair to show someone's dirty laundry just to win an argument.
