short temperedness

پیشنهاد کاربران

Short - temperedness is a personality trait characterized by a tendency to become easily annoyed, irritable, or angry in response to minor frustrations, provocations, or setbacks. A short - tempered person may exhibit impulsive reactions, such as yelling, slamming doors, or throwing objects, when faced with situations that might normally be handled with patience and calmness.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

تند خویی یک ویژگی شخصیتی که با تمایل به آزردگی، تحریک پذیری یا به راحتی عصبانیت شدن در واکنش به ناامیدی ها، تحریکات یا شکست های جزئی مشخص می شود.
یک فرد تندخو ممکن است واکنش های تکانشی مانند فریاد زدن، کوبیدن درها یا پرتاب اشیاء را در مواجهه با موقعیت هایی که معمولاً با صبر و آرامش انجام می شود از خود نشان دهد.
Her short - temperedness was a major concern in her relationship, as it often led to heated arguments and hurtful words.
Despite his attempts to manage his short - temperedness, he still found himself losing his cool in stressful situations.
Her parents worried about her short - temperedness, as it was starting to affect her relationships with her friends and family.
