shadow behind

پیشنهاد کاربران

1 -
To follow discreetly: "Shadow behind" could mean to trail or follow someone without being noticed, like a detective or spy. Example: "The private investigator shadowed behind the suspect, making sure not to be seen. "
[مشاهده متن کامل]

دنبال کردن با احتیاط/ تعقیب یا دنبال کردن کسی بدون اینکه مورد توجه قرار بگیرد، مانند یک کارآگاه یا جاسوس.
The private investigator shadowed behind the suspect, making sure not to be seen.
2 -
To live in someone's shadow: This phrase might describe someone who feels overshadowed or outshone by another person, unable to step out of their shadow or make a name for themselves.
زندگی کردن در سایه کسی: شخصی که احساس می کند تحت الشعاع یا زیر سایه شخص دیگری قرار گرفته است، نمی تواند از سایه او خارج شود یا هویتی برای خود ایجاد کند.
She felt like she was always shadowing behind her older sister, never able to establish her own identity.
3 -
To hide or conceal something: "Shadow behind" could also mean to obscure or hide something, like a secret or a hidden agenda. . "
پنهان یا مخفی کردن چیزی، مانند یک راز یا یک برنامه محرمانه.
He tried to shadow behind his true intentions, but his actions spoke louder than words.
