✍️سلاح سازمانی به اسلحه ای اشاره دارد که به پرسنل نظامی، افسران پلیس یا دیگر پرسنل امنیتی دولتی به موجب وظایف رسمی شان داده می شود. معمولاً سلاحی است استاندارد و مشخص، مانند تپانچه یا تفنگ که در حین خدمت حمل می شود.
... [مشاهده متن کامل]
Duty Weapon: a firearm used by law enforcement or military personnel while on duty
Standard - Issue Weapon: the weapon typically provided to members of the armed forces or law enforcement agencies
Official Firearm: a gun given to security personnel for their job
The officer drew his service weapon in response to the threat.
Soldiers are trained extensively with their service weapons to ensure proficiency.
Regulations require all officers to carry their service weapons while on duty.
... [مشاهده متن کامل]