serves you right

پیشنهاد کاربران

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حقته - هر چی که سرت اومده لایقشی
🔴 If you say it serves someone right when something unpleasant happens to them, you mean that it is their own fault and you have no sympathy for them.
◀️ [feelings] Serves her right for being so stubborn
محترمانه اش: چشمت کور، دندت نرم
بی ادبانه اش: ک و نِ لقّت ( با عرض پوزش از همه دوستان عزیزم )
You did something wrong and you get punished
serve someone right
be someone's deserved punishment or misfortune: it would serve you right if Jeff walked out on you.
خربزه خوردی حالا پای لرزش هم بشین. . .
این حقته!
