send over

پیشنهاد کاربران

👈🏿 To dispatch something to someone or some other location. A noun or pronoun can be used between "send" and "over
. e. g
We'll send over the contract for you to sign
👈🏿 send over ( someone, something )
[مشاهده متن کامل]

to forward, to dispatch, to direct ( someone, something )
. e. g
A: I sent over my revised projections
B: I didn't ask for your projections
Limitless 2011🎥

فرستادن ( از طریق دریا یا هوا یا از جایی به جایی )
When you finish writing this letter, please send it over to me so that I can approve it.
Can you send over a plumber to help us? Our kitchen is flooded and we need somebody right away.
