self validation

پیشنهاد کاربران

Self - validation is the act of recognizing and accepting one’s own feelings, thoughts, and experiences as valid and meaningful. It is the process of affirming oneself and seeking internal validation rather than relying on others for approval.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

خود اعتباردهی/ شناخت و پذیرش احساسات، افکار و تجربیات خود به عنوان موارد معتبر و معنادار.
این فرآیند تأیید خود و جستجوی اعتبار داخلی به جای اتکا به دیگران برای تأیید است.
She found self - validation by acknowledging her emotions and accepting herself as she is.
A therapist might encourage self - validation, saying, “Trust your own judgment and honor your own experiences. Your feelings are valid. ”
Someone might share their journey of self - validation, saying, “I used to seek validation from others, but now I prioritize self - validation and trust my own instincts. ”

خود اعتباردهی
پذیرش و تأیید درونیات، افکار و احساسات خود
